I am curious person and I like to share my knowledege and Thought. Thats why i make this blog.

Monday 5 March 2018

Control of Negative Emotions

Control of Negative Emotions

"Out of control emotions make smart people stupid"-Danial Goleman

When any Human being has born, they free from every emotion, feelings and unable to understand the physical world. After some time the army of nervous cells are start developing the brain of Newly born baby and this is the starting point of growing the feelings and emotions. after some month or year the baby are able to identify the physical world, but the power of emotion are contentiously become more strong. Some scientific studies shows that the development of brain are never stop, rational part of teen's brain isn't fully develop and won't be until age 25 or so. 

"When you control your emotions and thought, you control everything"-Marshall sylver
Emotion is psychological process, it is a vibration of thought, the subconscious mind pick up the vibration and translate it into a physical process.The Power of emotion can chance our life, and only emotions are responsible for our behavior and attitude. There are two main part of our emotion first is Positive emotions and second is Negative emotions. Both the emotion has the power of change human behavior and effect on Mind. Positive emotions like Love, Faith, joy, hope,gratitude serenity, pride, inspiration etc. It has a power to cure the mind , Love and faith are the most powerful positive emotion its like a mind chemist and help us to become a perfect human and act our best. 
 Negative emotions like Stress, hate, anger, fear, ego, sadness, fear etc .it makes dislike yourself and take away your confidence and spoil your life. The vibration of negative emotion are much powerful then the positive emotion it affect direct your subconscious mind. Some time we have lots of positive emotions but some bad situations of our life are convert it into negative energy and then it effect our mind and physical body and behavior and its result is we try to making distance with our family and friends. The negative emotions like a "Bacteria" we can't completely destroy it but control it. We can't destroy any emotions we just Control it. When our  Emotions are control our Mind its harmful for Heath or society. If our Mind is control the emotions it good for our health and our society and also help us to Learn some thing new this is called Human Mind Maturity ( control over emotions). Negative emotions are only controlled by the Positive emotions.

"Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions" 

Some bad period of life the power of negative emotion become much stronger then Positive one, and it become out of control. At that time only Love and Faith are help to control it. Meditation is the solution of this problem, It is not help to decrease The power of negative emotion but Daily 5-10 min meditation are help to increase The power  Love and faith and it is most powerful positive emotions and decrease the negative emotions. Mediation is like a Mind exercise it helps to defend our Mind and get rid of negative emotions.When the negative emotion are controlled by positive emotions then The power of Positive emotion will become more strong and our maturity level become high with new learning and experiences and ready to fight another Much stronger Negative emotions (bad situation) and the cycle has going on ...This cycle known as Life cycle...

"Human mind are the Bank of Emotions,Emotion generates the Thoughts and thinking and it define our behavior".   

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Control of Negative Emotions

Control of Negative Emotions "Out of control emotions make smart people stupid"-Danial Goleman When any Human being h...