I am curious person and I like to share my knowledege and Thought. Thats why i make this blog.

Sunday 8 October 2017

Millennial's Happiness

Millennial's Happiness

The state of Being Happy in Technology

 Love and Faith are the two Most Powerful of all major positive emotions and the combination of these emotions creates a new emotion called Happiness. So what keeps us happy in our life ? Every person are invest there time and energy to make a future batter and live a happy life, But unfortunately the people do not know the real meaning of happy life.  The Recent survey of millennial ( millennial is a group of people who were born approximately 1984 and after) asking what is your most important life goals and over 80% of said the major life goal for them is become Rich and 50 % told that become famous. This is the main problem of our generation is we think that become famous and Rich is a key of happiness. 

  The desire of become famous give the birth of many negative emotions like Ego, selfish, Anger, Hate, Jealousy, sadness etc and it also destroy the positive emotion like love, hope, pride, faith etc. Mostly people think that Social media is a good platform to become famous but the truth is that we all are addicted by it. Our happiness only depends on the the Likes on photos and views on videos. Imagine, If You are going to some peaceful and beautiful hill station with your family how many of you feel the wind and peace of nature and enjoying the beauty of nature with out your cell phones ? but you are busy to click more perfect photo and make a more interesting videos to get more likes and viewers. We know that the engagement with social media and our cell phones releases a chemical called dopamine that's why when you text and upload photos and videos and likes or views feels good. if you text your ten friend ''hi'' if you get response then it feels good if not you feel bad and also any one is unfollow you in Instagram and unfriend you think ''oh my god i would do something wrong, Do they not like me any more'' when you get a hit a dopamine which feels good. 

" Addiction is the only prison where the locks are on inside "

 Dopamine is the exact same chemical that makes us feel good when we smoke, drink, gamble  and it highly highly addictive. I think there is only one way to stop this is Age restriction on social media. The addictive person of these dopamine is given the birth of social stress and also the millennial unable to know how to form deep meaningful relationship, and they will admit of their friendships are superficial, they are not turning to the person they are turning to a device, social media and temporary relief. The fact is that People who spend more time on Facebook so far higher rates of depression that people who spend less time on Facebook. The things are true the alcohol is not bad too much alcohol is bad, gambling is not bad too much gambling is dangerous So there is nothing wrong in social media and cell phones its imbalance. If you sitting with your friend and family and you are texting somebody who's not here and only go some beautiful hill station only to click photos for who's not here its called addiction this give only temporary happiness. It destroy your relationship, it will cost time and money and make your life worse. and make you Unhappy.  

" I feel the day that technology will surpass over human interaction. the world will have generation of idiots" - Albert Einstein 

Now a days technology are makes us so lazy, slow, we don't learn the social coping mechanism and don't have patience . every thing you want you get instantaneously like want to buy cloth go Amazon, want to watch movie download it , want to go with date some install an application like tinder and swipe it. But real happiness are come after  hard work and patience we have to learn it that some thing really really matter like love of life, self-confidence ,a skill set any of these things all of these take time. We doesn't control the technology , we are controlled by it because we are seeing increasing rate of suicide rate, accidental death due to using cell phone on the road , more and more kids drop out school or take leave due to depression these are very worst case scenario. 

 " Social media creates the illusion of connectivity "- Malay Shah

So live your life in practical way and real world. Feel the positive emotions of other living things and try to understand it. Come out from the imaginary and fake word. don't become zombie of technology. Its not the state of being Happy.  Invest your time with family and friends, future goals. and also invest in your self development physically, mentally and  Emotionally.

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This is First post of  Millennium's happiness about " the state of being happy in technology" and second one is about "the state of being happy in money " will post soon.


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