I am curious person and I like to share my knowledege and Thought. Thats why i make this blog.

Sunday 20 August 2017



In everyday life, we observe and experience many situation, problems and complete all the task of the our day. Some Genius people can able to handle any situation and also able to solve the problems very easily. But some people are not able to solve and handle it. What's the reason behind it, all human beings​ have a same thinking power, all human are able to create new Ideas, we all have a same type of brain, and also Nothing is impossible for all humans. But there are some difference between Ordinary and extra Ordinary(Genius)  humans. Ordinary people are "Good thinker but not doer" , they don't apply there idea,  knowledge and thinking power in practically. But Genius are " Good Thinker and also Good doer" they apply there knowledge, idea, and Thinking power in Practically. The Question is ,how they can apply it ? And the answer is "write one page per day". In everyday There are many ideas and good thought are come in our mind but but we ignore it and after some time we forget. 
These ideas are coming from our experiences​ and our observation. There are many problems and bad situations are coming in  your friend's​ or relative's life and any other's life then you have observe that how they can handle it and solve the problems. And think about if you are in this situation or problem what you will do. Write your ideas or your solution in a page. And In future if you will come in this situation you can handle it very easily.

If we want to know about our thinking, ideas and thoughts or we want to increase our thinking power. There is a simple trick to Upgrade our ideas and increase thinking power. 
Take a blank page and a pen and go to a bright room or a Peaceful place and try to write something on it write about anything do you want any topic, Any idea about any situation, solution of any problems. Try to express your thoughts and your emotions on Blank page. When you will write it then read it. It is not necessary write a whole page but at least 300  words you should write. Best time to writing is Night before sleeping. Writing is one of the very good habit. Every genius person are have only a similar habit which is "Writing". Writing are a very useful skill which helped you to to think and create a new ideas because our mind are not able to store data and information, but it are only able to create new ideas. Then store your data in your pages and create new ideas with your brain. It's my personal advice make Diary or note book to write your ideas  and thoughts on it. In future who knows what tomorrow your ideas and thaoght will help others.

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