I am curious person and I like to share my knowledege and Thought. Thats why i make this blog.

Sunday 17 September 2017

Everything Is Energy


From The Birth of Universe to The birth of Human There are billions of Planet, star, Galaxy, and also millions species of Living things are took birth and dead it's a natural phenomena that nothing is permanent in the universe. In our body each and every second many new cells are create and old one's are dead, even the 90% of our body get change every year. Changing is a Universal law nothing is permanent and Birth and Death of matter is necessary for new birth, This phenomena is necessary for Changing. But question is that  How Everything took Birth and dead ?
In 1897, the discovery of Atom which is discovered by J.J Thomson .Discovery of atom solve the many mystery of universe and also give the answer of this question. Each and every particle in Universe stars, planets, Animals, Plant, stone, gas, liquid, soil and Humans are made up of Matter, Matter are a combination of of atoms or the structure of atom. It means everything is made up of atom and atoms are made up of Proton, Electron, and Neutrons But in 1931 the theory of antiparticle which has same mass but opposite charge (anti-proton, positron and anti neutron) and the combination of antiparticle is called Anti-matter and the discovery of anti-electron or positron in 1932 by Carl D.Anderson. At the turn of nineteenth century the physics started to explore the relation between Energy and the structure of matter. The discovery of matter and antimatter realize that Matter is nothing but an illusion. Science recognize that Every thing is energy.
According to the Quantum Physics atoms are made up of vortices of Energy that are constantly spin and vibrate and each one has radiating his own energy.

“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla.

 When an any Body is destroys or dead they emit energy and when any body is took birth and created they absorb energy it means that nothing is solid everything is energy because "Energy cannot be create or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another ".

This theory answer that we all are made up of matter and Energy is inside us. But our discovery solves many questions of universe and also give the birth of new Question. The question are which type of energy are in living things and non-living things?, and The existence of God and Soul. If we talking about God In every religious book they told about god who creates the whole universe and humans,but actually Huge amount of Energy create the whole universe. I am not insulting any religious book and philosophy i am just trying to prove this philosophy in scientific way. According to the big bang theory 13.8 billion years ago in the process of big bang there are huge amount of energy (at high temperature) are released and after the initial expansion the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation of subatomic particle( electron, proton, neutron) and latter simple atom.
Giant clouds of these primordial elements later coalesced through gravity in halos of dark matter, eventually forming the stars and galaxies visible today. So the God is the form of Huge amount of energy. Now we talking about the Soul soul is also a form of energy which is called Cosmic energy. Cosmic energy is the life force that is existent everywhere. it is present in the cosmos, between the galaxies, the molecules and in the space. It essential to maintain the order of our life and it known as the energy of universe. According to the new age authors (Albert Einstein's General theory of relativity) with the quantum vacuum zero point energy and orgone energy it is vital force that animated all forms of Life.It is also known Free energy and dark energy. this this theory of cosmology does not obey any law of physics ( although Arthur.C Clark started he thought it would eventually be possible).

So, the conclusion is that, when a person or any living things are dead they release energy which is known as soul then it transfer into another form. Soul and God are forms of energy. According to Hindu religious book Bhagavad Gita about soul "The soul is neither born and nor does it dead. it just change one form to another" them energy have also a same law "Energy cannot be create or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another" it means that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY.
 But The Questions about the Existence of god and Soul it is one of the most difficult question in the world, i think each and every person has own opinion about it. I try to give my opinion in this post. Religious books and philosophy given the answer of all these questions and Science helps to prove them.

"The more I study Science the More i believe in God" - Albert Einstein  



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